Saturday, April 29, 2006

SDA Rally at Potong Pasir

Attended the SDA rally at Potong Pasir last night and could feel that Chiam See Tong, the genial politician, does have strong support from the people. Though I'm unable to guage the number of people attending the rally but I estimate that about 35% of them left after Chiam had spoken.

Of the three MSM, TODAY gave the rally , esp Chiam's speech, the best and truthful coverage. It mentioned about Chiam's struggles over the past 22 years to push through proposals in Parliament and cited two examples. It also reported the meaning of Potong Pasir to Chiam - bravery, courage and the daring spirit that voted for the opposition for 5 consecutive years when people were all voting for the PAP.

CNA gave the rally the briefest coverage with only a very short article entitled, "SDA's Chiam claims credit for scrapping streaming in schools".

Our 140th surprisingly gave the rally quite a good coverage. It, however, didn't report on Chiam's struggles in the Parliament. It chose to highlight on Chiam's call to voters to go for the 2-in-1 option, meaning if voters put an opposition in the Parliament, they would also get the services of the aspiring PAP candidate as he would do his best to win them over.


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