Greater Freedom of Expression!
"My neighbours both have problems with their Chinese. They are successful, they're hardworking and therefore they are systematically marginalised, even in education.
"And they want Singapore, to put it simply, to be like their Chinese - compliant,"
With these now famous words MM Lee uttered during an interview by Lawerence Summers, are Singaporeans seeing a watershed moment in their history?
Racial issues which we have been conditioned to think as a dangerous subject that could lead to a repeat of some ugly past events, are now ranted openly to an international audience.
Has the paramount leader suddenly gained enlightenment and believed that racial issues can be discussed openly and rationally without fear?
Or is he sufficiently tormented by the victimisation that he decided to bring it to world attention?
Whatever the reasons may be, let's hope that the new freedom with which one person, albeit one as eminent as MM Lee, enjoyed to express himself could be extended to all Singaporeans! We shall then say a big thank you to MM Lee.
"And they want Singapore, to put it simply, to be like their Chinese - compliant,"
With these now famous words MM Lee uttered during an interview by Lawerence Summers, are Singaporeans seeing a watershed moment in their history?
Racial issues which we have been conditioned to think as a dangerous subject that could lead to a repeat of some ugly past events, are now ranted openly to an international audience.
Has the paramount leader suddenly gained enlightenment and believed that racial issues can be discussed openly and rationally without fear?
Or is he sufficiently tormented by the victimisation that he decided to bring it to world attention?
Whatever the reasons may be, let's hope that the new freedom with which one person, albeit one as eminent as MM Lee, enjoyed to express himself could be extended to all Singaporeans! We shall then say a big thank you to MM Lee.